4 Environmental Health Concerns After a Flood, Water Damage Due to Storms Or Leaking Or Broken Pipes

Whenever an environment is impacted by a flood, the water damage may not only effect the structure and surface of the space, but it may also lead to environmental health concerns that homeowners need to know about. Here are 4 common environmental health concerns that may impact your home after a flood:


Mildew develops on surfaces that are in high-moisture environments. Mildew collects in areas on the surface of objects where there is a high degree of humidity and a low degree of air circulation. When people move about spaces that are laden with mildew, they may detect an odor. This odor is the result of a chemical process that occurs when water, oxygen, and a surface interact. Mildew also generally has a black or white color, depending on the chemical reaction.

Because mildew can develop on the surface of materials, it can also be brushed off or blown off when there is a blast of air. The result is that the mildew becomes a part of the air, decreasing the air quality and potentially causing damage to your lungs.


In addition to the mildew that can develop in moisture-rich environments, bacteria may also grow and develop. Bacteria may be harmful, leading to breathing discomfort, infection, asthma, and allergies, just like mildew. Therefore, it may be necessary to completely sanitize a space after a flood to reduce the risk of bacteria growth.


Termites are very common occurrences in homes that have undergone a flood or water damage. Termites flock to areas that are both wooden and moisture-rich. Therefore, a home that has experienced flood damage is the perfect environment for termite colonies to grow and thrive. Termites can not only effect your health, but they can also effect the health of your home, as they can quickly devour large sections of wood, including walls, counters, floor joists, and columns holding up your home.


Like mildew and bacteria, mold is an organic material that develops on organic matter. If you experience mold growth following a flood or any water problems, then it is essential that you act quickly to sanitize your belongings and your environment. Mold growth may occur especially if the flood waters brought any organic matter into your home, including sewage, leaves, and other types of waste.

Contact us immediately for assistance eliminating the environmental health concerns impacting your home after a flood or water damage. No matter when your flood occurred, we can help to reverse or eliminate health hazards that are already developing. Moreover, if you contact us immediately after a flood or water damage, we can act quickly to prevent major health concerns from developing. We look forward to helping to restore your home to a healthy, clean environment after you experience a flood or water damage.